Show off your unique flare with a custom design or update your existing old logos for the best looking prints possible.

Queen B Printing uses the most up-to-date programs to capture your vision by creating vectored graphics. Vectored logos make all the difference in the printing world. If you are trying to print from a jpg, the image quality is not designed to be altered in size once created. A vectored design will stay crisp and clear when blown up or shrank down to just about any size. This is why designers and printers will often ask if you have a vectored or digitized version of your logo.


Simple word and text files are charged at a flat rate of $8.50 per file. Current art fees for graphic design are $35.00 per hour. We will always make our best efforts to inform you when our rates change, however it is recommended that you verify current fees before approving the design process. If we don’t nail it on our first try, a rework of existing files is charged out at $18.00 per hour.

Art fees not paid after 30 days will remain the property of Queen B Printing for resale and/or redistribution
Queen B Printing assumes no liability for unapproved artwork.

When you need it printed now

Rushes happen and at Queen B Printing, we understand the nature of needing it done right now. We strive to assist our clients when things like this happen, but we do need to charge for getting bumped in the print queue. The following rates are based on current industry standards and are as follows:
24 hours or less = $100.00
48 hours or less = $50.00
72 hours or less = $25.00


Orders over $100.00 are subject to a 35% deposit prior to production
Orders over $500.00 are subject to a 50% deposit prior to production